Water World


Hopefully you've had a chance to think more about the current world water crisis.  I know it doesn't really hit home because Canada has so much fresh water but shouldn't we be sharing our water with other countries?  Would it be fair to charge other countries for our water if we share it?  Is water a human right or a paid privilege?  What do you think?
9/20/2010 04:47:36 am

It hink that we should share the water with all the other countries who need it badly. We should not be charging other countries for water. Having water to drink f,or free should be a human right no a paid privellege. A average human 10.5 cups of water a day and some third world countries don't get a cup of water.Water is a limited resourse and companies are sucking water out from every where.

9/20/2010 04:48:32 am

It think that we should share the water with all the other countries who need it badly. We should not be charging other countries for water. Having water to drink f,or free should be a human right no a paid privellege. A average human 10.5 cups of water a day and some third world countries don't get a cup of water.Water is a limited resourse and companies are sucking water out from every where

Prabhdeep 806
9/20/2010 04:49:50 am

I think it is far that we ive them water for free but we sould get some thing in return because we are helping them not money because they are poor.The company I hate is nestle because 1st of all they give water from poor people and take alot of money second of all they put cemical water in the milk we drink.Its not bad that we are giving water but we sude control how much we give to.

tehmina 806
9/20/2010 04:51:06 am

I think that we should share our water with other countries because,eveyone in the world should be able to access water, even if it is on Canada's property. Water is something that everyone needs to survive. Nestle isn't being fair because everyone in the world needs water to live and since some people who don't have access to fresh water should be allowed to get it from the great lakes for free just like nestle does!!! and people are dying because of that. that's why I think that it isn't fair that nestle charges us for the water that that is a part of the great lakes/ that is on Canada's property.

9/20/2010 04:51:49 am

I think that we should share our water with the third world countrys because we cant just sit around and do nothing we should help and save the lives of the people and we should share our water with them.

Murwarid 806
9/20/2010 04:52:24 am

Nestle waters are donating $10000 to Mill Creek Coalition.
Did you know that the person who invented Nestle was called Henri Nestle. The history of Nestle goes all the way back to 1867.

Rimmy 806
9/20/2010 04:52:39 am

It would be fair for Canada to share their water with countires that really NEED it (many third world countries). Not coutnires that just want it, they may still get it, but they should probably pay for it. It wouldnt be fair to charge countries that need it to live. We shouldnt make money off of other people's disadvantges. Imagine how you would feel if you could see what you needed to survive, but you couldn't get it. The water Nestle is taking, it should be for everyone, not just people with money. Last time I checked, water was a human right, not something you only get if you pay for it. The least we can do, is give water to people who really need it. What Nestle is doing, can eventually start a war. If so many war's are over oil,. wouldnt it make more sense to fight over water? Water is needed to surive, oil is needed to make life easier. Fight's over water would be much more violent and longer. The human body is made mainly up of water, 60% of your body is water! Think about how much water someone at home waste's. Leaving the tap on, taking long showers, brushing your teeth with the water running. You shouldnt just use water like that, you should use it wisely. Water is for everyone.

9/20/2010 04:52:55 am

All About Nestle Waters!!!
Yes we should share the water with the other countries because, some countires don't have fresh water, and it wouldn't be fair for them. No because, it doesn't matter about the charges, it only matters about sharing the water with them. It is a human right, because everyone has the right to drink water. And if we don't drink any water, we won't survive, and become ill, or just die without any water. Also there are 75% of water in the babies bodies, there are 65% of water in a males body, there are 60% of water in a females body, and there is 50% of water in an old person body. In your body, the amount of water in your lungs is 83%, brain 73%, heart 73%, liver 71%, kidneys 79%, skin 64%, muscles 79%, bones 31%, and blood 79%.

9/20/2010 04:53:03 am

Nestle started in Switzerland and became a global company. I think it isn't fair, we should lower the water price. Drinkable water is a human right.

Renu 806
9/20/2010 04:53:06 am

Water should be a human right and no body should have to pay for it, because access to clean water can conciderably reduce the global burden disease caused by water-borne infections.There are about 1.8 million children dying from the lack of clean water every year, if we can give them clean water we can change that.They should have the right to get clean water without paying for it.The least that we could do is give it to the people who really need it and who can't afford to pay for clean water on a daily basis.The people who can afford clean water should atleast pay for it so the business rate doesn't go down.

9/20/2010 04:53:14 am

i want to share our water to the poor countries because kids are dieing because off water. i think its not fair for the other kids because we are drinking clean water but other country drink dirty water vaishnavan 806

Sonpreet Mann 806
9/20/2010 04:53:28 am

i think that making people around the world pay for water is not fair because we all have the right to drink and contain water, also because water is a essence, we cant live without water and the population will go down.If we look at how much nestle made by selling watered bottles the Sales: CHF 8.0 billion (EUR 5.2 billion) ($6.2 billion) (2004).Sadly canadian researchers have found that nestle watered botles have more bacteria then the water from the tap. Montreals Laboratories found that popular brands like nestle water bottles have "surprisingly high" counts of heterotrophic bacteria meaning they need an organic source of carbon to flourish. Even worse is that Bad water kills more people than wars or earthquakes.I beleive that nestle should stop selling and put their profit into devoloping new inventions that can transfer clean fresh water to all countries that are highly in need to fresh water.
-Sonpreet Mann 806

Sabreena G. 806
9/20/2010 04:53:49 am

I don't think its fair that Nestle is charging other countries for our water. It's Canada's water which Nestle is selling to make money for themselves, I think Canada's tax rate should go lower and Nestle shouldnt get all the money that they are charging other countries. Who ever is a citizin of Canada has the right on the water, so why should Nestle have all the money, at least the Canadian's tax rate should lower because the water is ours. I personally think water is a human right but most people want money out of it so most people think it is a paid priviledge so people are going to keep selling the water.

Pawanpreet 806
9/20/2010 04:54:02 am

I think we should share are water with our countries specailly the countries that need it. Yes, it would be fair to charge other countries for our water if we share it because then there going take all of our water and we won't have any water left. Water is a right not a privilage because we live on the same planet called Earth and we should all be able to share.

9/20/2010 04:54:18 am

water should be for everyone!

Simranjit Gill 806
9/20/2010 04:55:07 am

Yes, we should be sharing some of our water, we should share our water, because if we have some extra water, we might as well share it with some countries that don't have as much water as us, so we should share it, so the other countries don't have people dieing in their countries. We shouldn't charge as much money as Nestle probably does right now, because, that is not fair, they can charge some money, because they are bottling they water, so they should charge some money, but not alot. I think water is a human right, because nobody actually owns the water, they own the "Water Compabies," so water should be a human right. I think eveybody should share water, and we should all use it equally.

9/20/2010 04:56:20 am

yes, we should share our water with other countries because other people in other countries are dying because of the lack of water and i think we should tell nestle and the government that we should send other countries good supplies of water so they can be healthy and survive to.

9/20/2010 04:56:26 am

Nestle is offering 50 million dollars to make a plant in Cascade Locks in Oregon that would draw 100 million gallons a year to fill bottles of Arrowhead and Pure Life water. It would double property tax collections in the city, population 1 050, and add 45 jobs.

Jessica 806
9/20/2010 04:56:28 am

I think it would not be fair to charge other countries for water.Water is a human right, UN said. .I think it would not be fair because water is a human right so everyone should have acess to it. Without water , people die which is happeneing right now. More then 3.5 million people die each year because lack of water supplies.

9/20/2010 04:56:32 am

the orgins od bottled water can be traced back to 100000 bc

Jason Zhong
9/20/2010 04:56:52 am

I think that Nestle is being unfair. Water is a natural resource, it is necessary for survival. They shouldn't sell and gain profit while billions of people don't have clean water. Some of Nestle's products melamine(Chinese-made Nestlé milk product). In conclusion, i think that the government should allow clean water to be free, since it is necessary fo survival.

Vasudha 806
9/20/2010 04:56:55 am

I thing that clean water should be free to every one, because i thing it should ba a human right. Water is something no body can wone it is a part of the earth. Nestle should share water with everyone and not ask for a cost. Water is something that no one can live without and that should be available to everybody who needs it to live.

9/20/2010 04:57:01 am

Should we share water with other countries?
I think that we should and should not share water with other countries.We should share with because they need help so you give it to them.3.5 million people die every year because of lack of water. They pay more money than we do for water. They pay almost 5 times more.We should give them water so the death rate goes down but what's in it for us? We don't get anything in return. Eveyone knows that you shouldn't be selfish but what about our survival. If we give out water to other how are we suppose to help ourselves? Think about it.

simmy 806
9/20/2010 04:57:05 am

Well we shouldn't give out water for free because the government makes us pay for it and that's how we get it. but on the other hand it is sad that people around the world are dying because of lack of clean water. even if we do sahre our water (for free) we can do it for a long period of time because the were going to be out of water and we pay for it but the other countries that we give it to don't pay for it.
Water should be a human right but unfortanatlly the government has made it a paid privilege.

9/20/2010 04:57:08 am

Nestle is giving 50 million dollars to make a plant in Cascade Locks in Oregon that would draw 100 million gallons a year to fill bottles of Arrowhead and Pure Life water. It would double property tax collections in the city, population 1 050, and add 45 jobs.

9/20/2010 04:57:18 am

i dont thinks fair that other countrys have to be charged to get clean filtered water because in some countrys people don't even have a place to live or money for themselfs so how do you expact people to pay for water if they dont have the money. water should be free to all people, people can die without it and people are dieing everyday because they dont have water to drink. in fact over half a billion dollars of Massachusetts' taxpayers money will be spent on a clean water drinking programs loaned to the communities.

9/20/2010 04:57:40 am

nestle Canada is located on:
101 Brock Road South, RR 3
Guelph Ontario
N1H 6H9

9/20/2010 06:20:03 am

i think that we should share water with other countries because its not fair that people in other countries are dying because of the lack of water supply and we are just not doing anything about it and the government and nestle are not being fair because we are getting our water and the other countries are not getting any water such as India and other countries.

Manvir 807
9/20/2010 07:47:02 am

like we disscussed in science, instead of just giving water to a poor country, we could teach them how to make their own supply of fresh water. we could trade them water purifiers or something in exchange for something they have that we don't have. but it doesn't just end there! i think that it's ridiculous that both canada and the U.S. are taking water from the great lakes! and i never knew that the gov't actually allows Nestle to even produce their bottled water and making such huge profits. if i was the prime minister, i would make an agreement with the other countries and make clean, fresh water the #2 human right. (#1 is right to freedom)

Manvir 807
9/20/2010 07:55:10 am

Japreet 807
9/20/2010 08:14:42 am

i think we should teach the ways to find fresh water and purify salt water if none other water supplies are found.i also think that access to fresh water should be a human right only if we all as people of the world promise to use it properly and not waste it so that future generations can have the same luxuries we have.

9/20/2010 10:14:01 am

9/20/2010 10:15:59 am

Mr.dobbie i dont know what the question is about because i wasnt here in the afternoon to learn them lesson so what shoul i do?

9/20/2010 10:38:18 am

I think water is a basic human right. We shouldn't charge other countries for fresh water. Instead we should give them equipment to convert salt water to fresh water. In exchange they should give us something in return that we currently don't have. I think it's unfair that Canada is letting Nestle sell other countries our water. Canada and U.S signed a treaty that neither of them will take water from the great lakes. They both broke that treaty by US pumping water out of the great lakes and Canada is letting Nestle sell our fresh water for profit.

Lovepreet S.
9/20/2010 11:07:58 am

I think that water is a human right.What Canada can do is trade fresh water for anything the other countries have to offer (aslong as it's a fair trade. If we don't share water with other countries then we can atleast give them the technology to convert salt water into fresh drinking water. That is only fair.

9/21/2010 06:52:56 am

I think that we shouldn't give water to other countries because if we do we will run out of water. We must give the other countries technologies that can turn their salt water in to fresh water, instead of giving water to the other countries because if we do give our water away to the other countries later on they are going to need water, so it's better to give them technologies.

9/21/2010 12:34:58 pm

I think that water is human right so we should be sharing our water with other countries, and it wouldn't be fair to change the other countries for our water if we share it because there is going to be a time in the world when other countries may have water and we don't so if we don't share our fresh water now they won't gives thier fresh water in the future when we really need it.

9/28/2010 07:06:12 am

i think that nestle doesnt have the right to do this with the underground water supply. although they are doing it, they should be doing it for the other countries. i just think its greedy and unfair. water is a limited resource, just like everything else, so, we should make the best of it and save lives while we can.

Simran M 807
9/29/2010 06:56:23 am

As we have been learning in Science for the past weeks, water is a right. I think that we should share our water. When I say this i don't mean give out water for free. I think poor countries that don't have water, should get it for free, but not countries like USA who already have a good supply of fresh water. Nestle takes water from the great lakes which is wrong. Instead of selling that water to make a profit from it, countries that don't have enough water should get it. Nestle and the Canadian government are making money from selling Great Lake's water to other countries. If we start giving out water to any country that wants it, we will me losing our water which effect us canadians. We need to understand that water is a right and not a privilige people have. Water is a renewable resource only if we take good care of it. Tons of water goes to waste everyday, examples are water parks, when we're brushing are teeth we forget to turn the water off when we're not using it. If we don't waste that water, the same water we could be giving to poorer countries.

Pavan 806
10/4/2010 04:39:54 am

Nestle is giving 50 million dollars to make a plant in Cascade Locks in Oregon that would draw 100 million gallons a year to fill bottles of Arrowhead and Pure Life water. It would double property tax collections in the city, population 1 050, and add 45 jobs.

Comments are closed.

Lougheed, Middle, School, math, science, Mr. Dobbie, Mr. Dobie, mr.dobbie, mr.dobie